End of Days, Tu B’Av, Trumpets, War Rumbles, China, Russia, Israel & More…

Tonight On Night Shadows Radio For 6-16-2021 @ 7:00 PM CT

Best’s Intel Update For 6-16-2021 – As The Matrix Turns

End of Days, Tu B’Av, Trumpets, War Rumbles, China, Russia, Israel & More…


War rumbles as Israel attacks Gaza in the never ceasing unrest in Israel. Bibi says he will be back and vows to topple the new government. Meanwhile, China provokes the West in ever increasing military moves as Russia probes the West. Then we have Biden and his team searching for ways to round up “conservatives” and militia folks as the communists move ever deeper into America-Babylon. Is it really possible that between July 23/24 through September 8th is one of the highest rapture watches ever? Is it possible that the Church could be this close to its removal? Most would say NO, not possible, and things continue on as they always have. Then we have an anomalous SUN that may become very dangerous in the next few months. Are we at the END OF DAYS? DID WE JUST SEE THE SIGN OF JONAH?
