The 10 Top Reasons You Need To Listen To NIGHT SHADOWS – GOING LIVE 7:30 pm Tonight

Sorry For The Short Notice
1. A former White House senior type says that the finding of Earth like planet circling a star in the “goldilocks” zone means the total end of the God of the Bible. Find out why these people have to clue whatsoever.
2. The biggest news story this week is the NASA announcement that its Kepler mission has confirmed the first Earth-like planet in the “habitable zone” around a sun-like star. Find out why this is only the start of a GREAT DECEPTION.


3. So important is the discovery that scientist and former White House Senior Policy Analyst Jeff Schweitzer says it spells the end for the God of the Bible and religions based on him. Find out why the Bible forecast this was coming.


4. So the Psalm Two war is now heating up, with the Supreme Court spitting in the eyes of God, Planned parent-hood selling baby body parts, the finding of an Earth like planet!  Find out what they have planned next!


5. Find out why the TRUTH really is far stranger than fiction and why it scares most people into TOTAL DENIAL.


6. Get the very latest in very important but hidden news.


7. Find out all about EARTH CHANGES that go totally unreported.


8. Get the latest news on Planet-X and find out just how real it really is!


9. Find out the very latest changes in the EARTH WOBBLE and SOLAR CHANGES


10. Learn all about Bible prophecy and why it is 100% accurate 100% of the time.


There are of course many more reasons to listen in to NIGHT SHADOWS, for it is a truth that the day is far spent and the night shadows are already here.

So the mysteries and the enigmas, high strangeness, black operations and other anomalies continue unabated. Portals open, portals close, CERN goes into high gear, Jade Helm and talk of martial law and FEMA camps continue as well.
With all that is going on, and for one last hurrah before the Lord gets here to bail out His people from their prison cells, I am going on BLOG TALK RADIO with a brand new show called NIGHT SHADOWS.

I have included in this post an introductory audio so you get the drift of where this is going. No subject is left unturned, from the alien/UFO mystery, to bible prophecy, from Ghosts to Bigfoot, from the enigmas of the world to Official Denial, from TR3B’s to moon and Mars bases. It will, along with late news of interest – on blog talk radio, and I will let you know when we go live, most likely in a week or so.


I hope you will join us at Blog Talk Radio as we find the truth behind all the misinformation, disinformation and propaganda out there. It will be a lot of fun – evenings at 9-11 but that is not firm yet
Join the Free Night Shadows Membership club to get access to all sort of materials and education items. Many have already, join them for the latest information we can find. Our FREE membership site will be up and running.


You Gave Us The Power To Kill You, So What’s Your Problem?

A number of Bible codes are pointing to both the rapture of the Bride of Christ and an impact event in September of 2015, on or about the beginning of the coming Jubilee 7 year period. If they are right, this will be the final 7 years of mankind’s probation upon Earth. They also are consistently pointing out that Obama is the man of sin and evil. I am not saying they are right. Bible Codes used to “predict” the future are often wrong.

The rich men have risen up, just as prophecy said they would to accomplish their massive population reduction as found in Deuteronomy 28, Daniel, Revelation and James. They are the curse, they are the killers of the just because the American people refused the Bible admonitions. The American people gave the rich men the power to do that, so what is their problem now that it is going into action? Do not the RICH MEN OF THE EARTH, those of the Psalm Two wars have a right to ask that?

After Roe vs. Wade, only a few whimpering protests were actually made. So it is OK to kill babies all the way up to and beyond birth and allow Planned Parenthood to sell baby organs to the highest bidder. Then along comes some “thinker” who says that parents should have the right to terminate their children all the way up to five years of age or so. Nothing wrong here either. Never anything really wrong. So now the Chinese government gets caught taking adults and butchering them alive to get the freshest ever body parts to sell on the market. No sedatives either, for it harms the organs needed, but hold the poor guy or woman down and cut them open and take what is needed while still alive. Nothing wrong here either. Never anything really wrong. WHY IS THAT?

ANIMALS. The human race is a fallen race and is worse than any animal to ever crawl upon the face of this planet. FAR WORSE. The heart of man is wicked beyond all imagination. The rulers take great delight in the pain and suffering of others as long as it is not them personally, for it a tribute to Satan and their other fake gods. It makes one wonder by Jesus Christ ever bothered to come here to rescue those He could. DIVINE LOVE WE ARE TOLD. The greatest force in the Universe is DIVINE LOVE.

Yet for all of this evil, the people of the world sit back and allow a handful of totally insane bankers do anything they want to them. How easy it would be to LEGALLY rise up, TRY THEM, imprison them, take all of their wealth, declare a jubilee and start over. Take the leaders of government who committed this massive treason required to instill the NEW WORLD ORDER, and try them for treason, hand them over to a North Korean gulag and work them until they are all dead. Simple solution, but something prevents it. WHAT IS IT?

How is it that about 300 people can lord it over 7 billion and kill, maim, torture and destroy them in any way the banking elite can dream up and only a few say anything at all? WHY IS THAT? According to Lindsey Williams the elite have decided that no matter what they do to the American people, they will not resist. WHY IS THAT?

Then we have the traitorous “clergy response teams” that Homeland Security has enrolled to not only tell the people to obey every command of the government and police forces, that is, bow down and kiss the boots of illegal government thugs but also to “calm down” the people in the FEMA camps because their children, wives and husbands have all been separated for torture and killing. Few in the churches seem to be saying anything about that. WHY IS THAT?

So if killing like this is OK, and the Supreme Court of Satan says it’s also OK to do lots of other things and people do nothing  so what’s the problem with the rich men setting up a massive Georgia Guide Stone KILL OFF? They have every right to know the answer, don’t they?

What’s your problem with that? In point of fact, the American people have no right to claim there is a problem because once you allow the roller coaster to start down the slope, and you do nothing to stop it, well, then we all own it, even the most horrific of events to come. Evil is a force multiplier. Once it gets beyond certain boundaries, history tells us it cannot be stopped, it must finally implode upon itself. However the blood and cries of millions can still be heard in the caverns of time if one listens. It could have been stopped, but it wasnt. The people could have risen up and said NO, but they didn’t. WHY IS THAT?

You have to wonder, when you study the Scriptures concerning the last days of Babylon the Great why the people said nothing. The government not only turned against their own people and totally trampled her heritage, but they also they indulged in such a massive killing operation that the entire world was stunned. It seems that no one really said anything. WHY IS THAT? Maybe there is some strange force involved here. Some type of unseen invisible hand guiding this entire operation to an unknown conclusion.

Then you have obvious treason from our Congress, the alphabet agencies, and the military. Why do I call it treason? Because you cannot bring in the NEW WORLD ORDER without treason. It is not possible otherwise. To topple the constitution that you swore and oath to uphold is TREASON. It does not matter how you do it, it only matters that the founding documents were shredded.

We need to start calling what this really is. It should be called incremental or slow treason. A little here, a little there, so it all sounds reasonable at the time. A law here, a law there. You shred the constitution slowly, but willfully. You cannot tell me that our leaders in Washington do not know what they are doing. If they don’t they are blind, deaf and stupid. They also are under a great and strong delusion.

The perpetrators of all of this actually believe they can pull off the greatest coup in the history of the world. It will seem that way to them as they dance with glee over the blood and guts of the Christians, the constitutionists and conservative right and all who would not go along with the NEW WORLD ORDER. The rich men are under a rank delusion. They have no idea of the horrific fate that awaits them.

I would not know myself, accept I have died and gone to the other side and it is all real. Jesus Christ is real. Hell is real. Heaven is real. Redemption is real. The Strait Gate is real. They are more real than life itself. Do as Christ commanded and He will show you. Then you will know and you will not have to believe it, you will KNOW IT. He will come to you. He will tell you what the problem with humanity really is. What your problem really is. You will then totally understand what is happening and why.

The GREAT CULLING, THE GREAT “CLEANSING” of America is coming very soon. The next phase of the United Nations Agenda 21, the blueprint for tyranny, is now appearing in the mists of the future. The cries of those murdered will soon be heard in the heavens. It will not fall upon deaf ears. There is an agenda of the United Nations, but there is also an AGENDA OF THE LORD. The rich men and those who did their bidding will wish they had never been born at all. The mask of deception and their delusion will suddenly be ripped away and they will see the reality of what they did.

It is all VERY obvious as to what is going on all around the people and only a few are saying anything. And even those people are considered wacko right ring idiots, insane with their “conspiracy theories” BY THOSE THEY ARE WARNING. And so it goes. WHY IS THAT?

So what our great and illustrious rulers are up to now is far, far worse than Germany and Hitler. Child’s play, a kindergarten exercise. Then of course the Soviets with Stalin and Mao and the “Cultural Revolution” killing machines are all still child’s play for what these totally corrupt and insane leaders actually have planned. Worse than Pol Pot. Worse than anything ever seen on Earth.

There is a payback however, there is always a payback. Jesus said that we should pray always that we be found worthy to stand before the Son of Man and ESCAPE the PAYBACK. That is the only way out, there is no other.

And so while the RICH MEN AD KINGS AND RULERS set up the most massive killing apparatus right under the noses of the comatose American and the world, they laugh and mock us all. Only a few realize what is in the wind. WHY IS THAT?

The great culling of America is now set up. The beta tests have been run. Silent Weapons is almost complete. Only the forced marking and killing remain. So WHY IS THAT?

The answer is found in the Bible, just as all answers are found in the GOOD BOOK. The rich men of the Earth are declared by the Creator of all of this to be TOTALLY INSANE, CONSUMED BY LUST AND GREED AND THE POWER OF MAMMON. It is their delusion.

They have cast their lots, and as in the movie “Road To Perdition” where one says to another “You know we are going to hell, don’t you?” or words to that effect? The answer is, no they do not know that, and NO, they cannot conceive of such a place. If they actually KNEW where they were going all of this nonsense would stop in an instant of time. THEY KNOW NOT. WHY IS THAT?

Because the Creator of all of this, that is, time, energy, space, spirit and all life said something that people gloss over and do not understand whatsoever its horrific meaning: “I will PICK THEIR DELUSIONS”. There you have it in a NUTSHELL.

The rich men of the Earth, as Larry Taylor often says, are the most deceived of all, are the most deluded of all, and must and will end up in the fires of eternal hell and damnation. They have no choice because the Lord of Hosts FORE KNEW their choices, hides their fate from them and these poor folks actually believe they will not only install their NEW WORLD ORDER, but that they and their offspring will reign and rule over a new heaven and a new Earth of their own making with only a few slaves for their pleasure.

They really believe it. They actually mean to do it. They are committed to their cause, far more than the average Christian is committed to the cause of Jesus Christ.

So bit by bit, a little here and a little there, the American people gave the RICH MEN their full approval of all that is about to come down upon their heads. Jade Helm has many different layers to it, but in the end, it is only there because the American people did nothing to stop it.

You see, they had no problem when Social Security Cards were issued with “not to be used for identification” but now is used for almost everything. They had no problem when the government began to tax the people for “income” that is not income at all but a fair trade. So then they had no problem when their wages were withheld from their paychecks by total fraud.

They had no problem when the banks began to make war against cash and cash withdrawals. They had no problems when the Congress passed laws allowing the banks to confiscate their deposits if they got into financial trouble. In other words, they have had no problems at all when their money is not their money any more at all, but belongs to the rich men. Same with food and transportation. NO PROBLEM with all of these rules, regulations and fines for disobedience, even prison for minor offenses. NO PROBLEM. And so it goes…WHY IS THAT?

They had no problem with the Patriot Act. No problem with NDAA, fusion centers, the massive CIA/NSA surveillance state. No problems with local police being given all sorts of military gear. No problem when the FBI said patriots and Christians might be enemies of the state. NO PROBLEMS HERE. WHY IS THAT?

As the Great Dame of the left, MADAME HILLARY has told us, “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.” No one said anything. And also from her lips came CAMP JOY and RED AND BLUE LIST PEOPLE. Everyone must attend a FEMA re-education joy camp. So what’s the problem here? Has anyone said NO to her? Not that I am aware of.

And so WHY IS ALL OF THIS SO? Because the Lord of Hosts, Jesus Christ is His name, has PICKED ALL OF OUR COLLECTIVE DELUSIONS. There is no other answer. Apostasy is merely the TOTAL DENIAL OF THE COLD HARD BRUTAL TRUTH. It is what it is, get used to it.

The Good Book is the only book in the world that does not ask you to JUST BELIEVE WHAT IT SAYS. It also commands you SEARCH IT OUT to FIND THE REAL TRUTH, have the scales cast from your eyeballs and your mind opened just a sliver of a crack to let the LIGHT OF TRUTH invade it. Refuse it and oh, well!! Thing might not go too well for you if you catch the drift here…

But the American people by and large refused. So God picked their delusions. There are many delusions He has picked for them we covered in a blog not long ago. Reread it. But like all roads, they say, lead to ROME, and then again, all roads of delusions usually lead to eternal ruin, right? I think I read that somewhere…

The odds are then that the American people ARE UNDER A RANK and DEADLY DELUSION as to what is actually going on, the land that they live in, their salvation and SO WHAT’S THEIR PROBLEM? And that answers WHY IS THAT, don’t you think?

Comments always welcome!


Exactly What Independence Are We Celebrating?

Exactly What Independence Are We Celebrating?

With the UN/USA BEAST rising up under Jade Helm and its global martial law system, one must wonder what the American people are thinking when they light off their fireworks and think they are still a free and independent people.

Exactly how free are you? Let’s see, Obamacare destroyed medical freedom and along with medical privacy. Our leaders actually treat us as we should be treated, comatose idiots and they laugh in our faces as they bring in their new world order. The stupid Americans.

Then of course, you should take your flu shots even though they are worthless, and then your kids have to be given all sorts of shots to attend school. In California said immunizations are MANDATORY, no excuses allowed. That’s real freedom, right? Very soon EVERYONE will be forced to be immunized!
Then again, the new manuals from the shrink departments says if you are alive you are most likely mentally ill anyhow. Have you cried lately because you lost a loved one? Mentally ill. Did you get angry and shout at a neighbor? Mentally ill. Are you depressed? Mentally ill. Did you run a stop sign? You are a total renegade. Mentally ill. Own a gun? Mentally ill. Don’t like unjust authority? Mentally ill. Opposed to abortion? Mentally ill. Don’t like socialism? Mentally ill. Like the Bill of Rights? Mentally ILL! Do you get it? You are mentally ill and therefore CANNOT OWN A FIREARM for your self-protection. Besides, who wants a gun anyhow, you would have to be mentally ill if you think you need one.

The comatose American. They put money in the bank thinking it is their “deposited funds” for safe keeping, while in fact the bank stole it and declares you “invested” in their future but get no stocks in return, and even a major corporation does not have the brass to take money without issuing you stocks for your investment.

How about your 401K’s and IRA’S? Think you are free there? Guess again. The government is already speaking very loudly about total confiscation and forcing you to invest in worthless government bonds with restrictions on withdrawals!! Work for others? Total freedom there as well. Go to work when they tell you, be on time, do what you are told and don’t be nasty. NOT EVER. 401K’s and IRA’s are now becoming MANDATORY in many places of employment, as is the confiscation of your salary or wages by the IRS withholding. LOTS OF FREEDOM THERE AS WELL

Then again, in the state of Wisconsin and most likely all others, the state can decide of you are an independent contractor or an “employee”, and you don’t get to decide that, THEY DO. Lots of freedom there to if you want to be an independent contractor. MORE FREEDOM!!!

Let’s see, BACK TO THE BANKS: if you take even a small amount of “cash”, (if the bank decides it wants to “loan” you “their” money that “you” deposited), the government has to be notified immediately and it can be “confiscated”. The bank is instructed to even call the police to have you arrested if they “suspect” something.

So now two huge items are totally under the control of the government, who tells you what you can and cannot do. That’s real independence, REAL independence!! And you are free in your private papers, right? No snooping allowed there, right? Try going to your social security office and they can tell you stuff you did not even know or forgot about. REAL FREEDOM FROM SNOOPING HERE. They know more about your private affairs than you do! The FBI knows all about you. The NSA as well, the CIA and who knows who all? Maybe they know more about you than God does, or so they think, maybe. Maybe not…So much for the ancient concept of privacy. Nothing to hide, right? Not to worry. Make a wrong move in your “freedom” and you end up not so free after all.

Ok, so then you cannot rent an apartment or a house or an office space without getting “approval” from Homeland Security, who must run a check on you to see if you might be a terrorist or enemy of the state. Bet you did not know that but it is true. If they decide you are a bad dude or dudette, well, too bad, soooooooo sad, sleep in the street if you don’t like it.

Then of course if you were to buy a house, well, that’s a whole different story with 50,000 pages of mortgage information filled out that some remote bank committee looks over to see if they like you enough to “give you fake money” and Homeland Security has to be notified as to that as well. But that is only the start – because now you have to get DNA and EPA approval before you can even begin to build anything because you might destroy the “habitat” of a grasshopper who happens to be on the “endangered” species list or your local area. FREEDOM!!! Woe be unto you if you step on one of these critters and a government inspector finds it dead near your construction site. Jail time! Heaven forbid, the poor little grasshopper gets a state funeral and you get three hots and a cot. Well, something like that anyhow…

Then of course you must have every step of your construction approved by all of these government inspectors, be they federal, state or local, WHO CAN APPROVE OR NOT AS THEY SEE FIT. Skip any of that and you get a big fat fine and you are stopped from proceeding further. Bad dude, bad machine. Decide to build anyhow? The Sheriff comes with his SWAT TEAM to stop you. Resist? Dirt nap time!! DIE FREE THOUGH, RIGHT? Of course you understand that the county can confiscate your property if your land might profit them in some way. Real security and freedom there as well!!!
Own land? Think you own it? Better check with your local WATER SHED BOARD. They have total control over it, not you. They can tell you when to plant your crops, how much to plant, where to plant, and when to harvest. Don’t believe it? Might want to check that one out – I know, I was on a watershed board and we had total power, we just never used it.

Own a gun? Better be careful there. Want an open carry PERMIT? Not so smart, because they know what you got, but then they know everything right? The Bill of Rights says you may BEAR YOUR ARMS. That means wear it, carry it, BEAR IT. No permit needed, but then again, who ever heard of the Bill of rights? You need to keep that gun unloaded, locked away in a safe that is approved OR BETTER YET, IF THEY HAVE THEIR WAY, in the local armory 25 miles away or more where you need to get permission to take it out of their “safe-keeping”.  Of course the criminal breaks down your door and before you can get your gun he does you in. DIRT NAP TIME!! But it’s safe that way, you see. More rules, more regulations every day. In the UK they are now going after KNIVES. Pretty soon you won’t be able to own a knife in the kitchen either. TOTAL FREEDOM!!

So you like to fish or hunt? Total freedom there as well. Only it is not hunting now, by the way, it is called harvesting. Sort of like the “personnel department” being changed over to “human resources”. Sort of like Orwell’s 1984 double speak. Then of course, you need a certain license, you can only hunt on certain places, at certain times, with certain guns, with certain ammunition, and never at night. And you can only kill one or (murder) certain animal species each year. Total freedom there as well.

Want a pet dog or cat? Better get a license or you can’t have one. Better be of a certain species to or its a no no. Oh, gotta have certain vaccinations at certain times to protect the general public and other pet owners. Don’t want to comply? Well then, animal control comes and takes your beloved pet to be exterminated if no one else wants it. Total freedom here as well.

Speaking of animals, got a black bear or other dangerous creature wandering around your porch looking for food? It’s protected. If it attacks you, well, too bad so sad, for the DNR may well say you need to be partially eaten before you can kill it or else you are in dire trouble. Run into one in a corn field while harvesting and you did not see it? You did it willfully according to the DNR and so you need to pay a huge fine or go to court and spend lots of money fighting your case (actually happened).

Want to go to a state (PUBLIC LAND) park? Sorry, you can’t even though your tax money was used to confiscate it from some poor slob who thought he owned his own property only to find out he did not really own anything. Like property taxes. Don’t pay, they confiscate your property and sell it to some other poor slob who thinks he then owns it. So why can’t I go to a state park? Well you can, if you pay a certain fee and go at a certain time and stay only a certain length of time. TOTAL FREEDOM RIGHT?

Like to fish? First if all, you need a license issued by the State. And then only on certain days, on certain lakes, for certain species of a certain size, and only a certain number of fish, ONLY AT CERTAIN TIMES, or you get big fines and jail time. All regulated by Fish and Game Wardens who wander around doing their duties to protect the United Nations Biosphere reserves or global parks. All of that to protect you and your environment. So give thanks to your authorities who only have their best interests at heart.

So who owns anything, anymore? You only think you own things. Really it is a leasehold agreement and the Lord is the real owner, who just so happens to be punishing His people for their total apostasy and then He will punish those who are punishing His people. Wow – total freedom there as well!!!

So let’s see now, medical, financial and shelter and protection are all under tight government approval which can be revoked at any time. Yessereee bob, that’s real and total independence and freedom!! Time for a roman candle to celebrate our freedom, that is if they are legal – better check it out with your local authorities to find out, lest you end up in jail!

So let’s take a gander at transportation – let’s see, you decide you want to fly somewhere. You first of all are run through some type of “secret” NO FLY LIST. TSA has to approve of you or you don’t get to fly. In fact if you protest you are immediately detained and can be arrested and put in jail while they do a “search” on you to find out how dangerous you are. Of course if you make it through all of that, you have to be “patted down” and your genitals have to be checked for “secret bombs.”

If you make it through all of that, well then, you are told what you can and cannot bring in your luggage, which can be searched and detained at any time. If you take a bus, TSA can, at any time, on a whim, search your person and luggage. If you take a train, same thing.

But I am free to drive anywhere I want, right? Well yes and no. You have to have a license to drive. You have to have insurance to drive. Your car has to be inspected in many states to see if it is even allowed to travel on the highways. You can be pulled over at the whim of any state trooper or local police departments FOR ALMOST ANY INFRACTION, such as signal lights not working, headlight out, etc. You must carry your ID WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. Your car can be searched. Cash found can be confiscated. Total freedom here too, right?

You may have also noticed all of these gates going up all along entrance ramps to the Interstate system and even on some smaller state highways. GATES. Gates are made to stop you from entering or leaving. The excuse is WEATHER CONTROL, to shut down sections of the Interstate when you get bad storms, etc.

Sounds right, sounds good. By extension of course, any Interstate can be shut down for any reason whatsoever, say to stop you at some TSA checkpoint (already in the works with their bullet proof portable guard shacks) to see if you are on the red or blue list for round-up to go to your local FEMA collection point or be marched to your local FEMA JOY CAMP.

And you may also have noticed those steel FENCES going up all over as well on the Interstate system to prevent one from turning around when these CHECK POINTS GO LIVE. Gates and fences. Freedom, total independence!! Go figure. How blind are these folks, anyhow? Time to light off another cherry bomb!! Whoops, I forgot, those are not legal anymore. Time for to be arrested. TOTAL FREEDOM HERE.

And you may also have notice all of these so-called “turn-abouts” that are replacing simple stop signs. A turnabout is easy to block access to. They are actually traps so traffic can be “funneled’ wherever the authorities want to funnel it. It is all new world order martial law stuff.

OK, let’s see, medical, financial, housing, protection and transportation all tightly controlled as the noose gets tighter and tighter. REAL FREEDOM HERE, I mean WOW!! How can you stand such a vast amount of freedom? I mean, wow, aren’t you excited?

How about electricity or power? Want to live off the grid? Real Independence? In Florida and now progressing in other states, it is not legal to be living OFF THE GRID. Power of course is under very tight controls now with smart meters and other methods to shut you down any time they want. Days late on your bill? OFF GOES THE POWER. SO SAD. Total freedom here as well. Like light bulbs – gotta have a certain type or you are in violation. No real light bulbs allowed.

Want to set up a solar power system? Well, before you try that, you might want to get approval of your local zoning board to make sure you meet all the regulations concerning such a drastic move. And in some states, even with it, you have to pay the electric company a monthly fee to allow you to be electrically off the grid. That’s independence for you!!

Let’s take a look at two other basic essentials. FOOD AND WATER. Rain water that falls on your property (actually most likely the bank’s property, or the governments who bought the mortgage owns it, and that means Obama owns it for he is a dictator now), so this water belongs to the EPA and government agencies who tell you what you can and cannot do with rainwater, streams, ponds, even trickles of water on your own land. Yes, it is sadly true, run afoul if the DNR/EPA or some other unheard of government agencies and well, too bad for you!! SO SAD. Built a bridge across a small creek that runs dry most of the time? DNR approval a must or you are in big trouble. Want to put in a small pond on your land? DNR will most likely not approve. Build it anyway? Lose your property, go to jail. TOTAL FREEDOM HERE AS WELL, RIGHT?

How about the water in your John? Gotta have a new toilet that does not use so much water. Not legal anymore to have more than the REGULATED AMOUNT. The authorities might have to come out and destroy your non-regulated John and make you build the old fashioned outhouse. But then again you would be destroying the UN Habitat. Those where great when it was like 40 degrees below zero. Sure made thing happen fast though!!!
Watering your lawn? Well that is regulated in many places as well. Water only on certain days and for how long. Why not just paint your lawn green and be done with it?

I WANT TO PAINT MY HOUSE. Get approve from the local zoning board. Near a river? Get approval from the DNR. Want to paint an interior wall? Modify your home slightly? Get approval from your local zoning board? Don’t bother? You will be fined, and in some cases made to put it all back the way it was. Tax man coming to evaluate your property? Better let him in, and hope he does not notice the changes you made, else he will report it and then zoning gets into the act. Want to put in a new furnace? Air conditioner? That will have to be inspected after you get approval to install it. FREEDOM HERE AS WELL!!

So then water, a most basic of all needs, is tightly controlled. Even private water wells are now coming under government control, slowly but surely. Soon they will have meters on private wells and you will be billed for the water or told how much you can actually use each day. Use too much? Fines and jail time!! THEY LEAVE NOTHING UNTOUCHED. Total freedom here as well!!!

OK, let’s move to food, which is one of the most tightly regulated of all. Even your kids have to eat a government approved lunch. If a mom or pop send the kid to school with the wrong lunch, it gets destroyed and the kid IS FORCED to eat what the government has approved and a warning letter is sent home because, after all, you might be guilty of child abuse and the Child Protection Services comes to take your kids away. MORE FREEDOM!! WOW!!

Some young child was sent to school with her lunch box and mom had put in some cookies. WOW!! Well the teacher rummaged through the lunch box and found the cookies, confiscated them and destroyed them, telling the little kid they were not good food. TOTAL FREEDOM HERE TOO RIGHT? I mean how far does this have to go? Remember the mayor of New York and the drink size? Yes the nanny state is in full swing, and government always knows best. Maybe Lindsey Williams was right, the America people will DO NOTHING TO STOP THIS.

For example, RAW MILK. You know, the type nature gives you. Cannot have that. Sell raw milk direct from the cow even if you own the cow? TO JAIL YOU WILL GO, TO JAIL YOU WILL GO, HI HO THE DAIRY O, TO JAIL YOU WILL GO. Real freedom here as well!!

How about growing your own food in your own garden on your own land? Well, better check out that with your local zoning board. Might not be a wise thing to do. A neighbor might turn you in. Imagine having the audacity to grow your own food!! Unthinkable!! And you might find out that your contribution to yourself runs afoul of some unknown statute that says you are competing with some far distant conglomerate without a license. Actually happened!! How dastardly are you anyhow? What NERVE!!! Call the cops, call Homeland Security!! Anyone who helps themselves is suspect and in need of a mental health evaluation.

OK, well, how about free speech? You know the one guaranteed under the Bill of Rights? Well, better be careful there. NSA might overhear you. Facebook might report you. Twitter might have to turn you in for investigation. YouTube might censor your video. NSA overheard you say something while tapping your phone without a warrant, for who needs one these days?  The police overheard you mutter something around one of their cameras on the street with a microphone on it. Total freedom, relish in it. Light off another firecracker, that is, if they are legal where you are. If not, well, expect a police car anytime now and a big fine for disturbing the peace.

NDAA allows your interrogation and incarceration for no reason at all, even if they don’t like your haircut or the color of your eyes. Every word monitored. You might be an enemy combatant, or simply an enemy of the state, or maybe well, you just said the wrong thing to the wrong person at the wrong time. But you are totally free right? Free of snooping? Totally secure in your papers and effects, right?

And those FEMA CAMPS and WALMARTS and old PRISONS being reactivated all over. New shopping malls and schools and stadiums that have guard towers going up all over the place. What for? Oh, let’s see, FOR YOUR FREEDOM. SO YOU CAN LOOK THROUGH THE RAZOR WIRE which you might be free to do, that is if you are not working at some gulag 5am to 11pm at some North Korean prison camp, an extension of your local Hillary FEMA CAMP JOY. You are free to obey, you are free to work and you are free to die. That’s your freedom and you made it so. So don’t complain. Don’t bitch about it, you own it, you bought it, and I cry not for you whatsoever.

So all of this fits in with the celebrations of Veterans Day and such like. Send the sons and daughters off to war to fight for freedom and give it all away back home. Same thing. Same result. America down, America down forever, never to return. It did not have to be, but it is what it is.

So anyhow, I hope you had a happy and carefree Independence Day. I also hope you recognize that you are in fact, A TOTAL AND COMPLETE SLAVE and you have NO INDEPENDENCE WHATSOEVER because you allowed it all to slip away while you stuffed your faces with brats and burgers and drank your denial cool-aide and could care less – that is until that knock on the door comes and you see your wife, your children and you hauled away and will never see any of them ever again.

Not everyone mind you, many have fought the good fight, but as the Bible says, TO FEW. TOO LATE NOW. ITS COMING. NIGHTSHADE IS APPROACHING. Are you ready?
So please tell me what you are celebrating Independence Day for? Anyone?