Best’s Intelligence Digest

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Comnmunicate


JUL 29, 2023


First of all, we have Tu B’Av coming up on August 1st/2nd, a little known Feast Day which is a LOVE FEAST DAY, a day in which brides were “snatched away” or “taken” and it has the RAPTURE OF THE BRIDE written all over it – not to say it is the rapture day itself, but a very strong pointer or reminder of Christ coming for His Bride the Church. It always falls on a FULL MOON.

Speaking of the possibility that the Church will be removed sometime in late 2023, Steve Fletcher, who runs “A Trumpet For MY People”, has outdone himself with his latest release – it might wake a few people up as the Church appears to be in full slumber mode. Most folks miss the importance of Tu B’Av as well, but not all:

This shows a literal giant toying with a full-grown elephant with very large tusks, so we know it full-grown. Full-gown elephants are between 10-14 feet high. That means this giant was at least 25-32 feet tall as he is leaning over to pet it. Interesting that the Lord said these types of things would be revealed during the last days and nothing would be hidden.

August 1, we have a BLUE SUPER MOON. Is this a warning of the “blues” that are about to hit humanity because of their rejection of Christ and thus judgement? In the vision Ken Peters had, he said that right after the resurrection/rapture of the Church that the world went into mourning as though everyone had lost their mother – that is, THEY HAD THE “BLUES”. It is interesting that this super BLUE MOON falls upon Tu B’Av a SNATCHING AWAY OF A BRIDE in ancient Israel!! Then we have FISH as well connected to this moon, as Jesus told us to be “fishers of men”, reminding us of the 153 fishes in John. Is there any connection to all of this?

People are beginning to notice, but I fear not enough, for prophecy tells us this 4th Beast of Daniel does indeed rise up and control the world’s masses. So it is coming.

Champ, as this monster is known, has been around for many generations and many sightings as well.

A number of sightings of the inbound object known as “The Destroyer” are now coming in, some even showing the planets in orbit around it. Could this be the reason for no harvests for 5 years?

And so it goes in the matrix!!
