Best’s Intelligence Review Hour For 7-3-2020 –  That, This And Something Else

Tonight On Night Shadows 7-3-2020 @ 7:00 PM CT

Matrix Mayhem, Diversions, Satan’s War, July 4th, Rise Of Evil, Bad Tidings & No Repentance


As we approach the end of the age and get deeper into the transition to the next, we are seeing all the signs that are invisible to the masses who know not what awaits them. The USA/Babylon is about to be blindsided with judgment after judgment, but the Bible claims very few will respond and actually repent a Godly repentance. Even the elite of the world seem ti be totally unaware of God’s actual agenda and their own destruction. The world plunges ever deeper into insanity, and like all civilizations before it will be destroyed by cosmic events and only a few will survive to rebuild again. Humanity is in LOCKDOWN because of the KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL but refuses the only FIX that the Creator has offered, and thus ONCE AGAIN destruction and death must prevail. The ARRIVAL and the APEX OF THE STRONG DELUSION await as mankind thinks it is entering a new golden age of the Gods, only to find out it was just a ploy from the God of this world and so it goes and more…






1 thought on “Best’s Intelligence Review Hour For 7-3-2020 –  That, This And Something Else

  1. Another Hawaii EQ hit about the start of the show, a M4.3. It was right near the earlier M4.6. Over 200 felt reports so far.

    Earth changes as you all were reporting on them! Thank you for the show!


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