As I watch the world implode into rank criminal activity on all sides, I have to marvel at the short sightedness of law enforcement, the military, the civilian government and the totally blind humans racing like lemmings over the cliffs of eternal loss and ruin.

If law enforcement, like the police and sheriff departments think that can get away with severe oppression, and that all the general public is their mortal enemy, then it will not take long for the general public to decide that the oppressor police are enemy number one, and that means the time is coming when all police officers will have a “payback” poster on their back. Sooner or later some incident will occur and a spark will be lit and the police brutality they have routinely been handing out will be bestowed upon them four times over. And not just them, it will be their families as well. And it will not just be the idiots who wear badges, but the good police officers as well. The general public will not differentiate between the two. They never have if recorded history is accurate.

There is always a payback, and when that time arises, then the “practice targets” of the cops using old ladies and ancient gentlemen, young wives holding their babies  and others will be reversed, and the civilians will be using “practice targets” that have police pictured on them. There is ALWAYS A PAYBACK. It may come sooner or later, but there is always a PAYBACK. They have no clue as to how severe that payback is going to be. If it does not come from the public, it will come from a higher source, much higher.

Now in the case of the American military, the payback is going to be severe as well. More severe than any of them could ever imagine. So severe they will wish they had never been born. So severe and so eternal that it actually would have been better they had never been born. How so? Study your Bible, you know, that ancient book of mythology that has no relevance for today’s great and holy civilization. That book of old wives tales and stupid suggestions on how one should conduct their lives. Why study anything so stupid as that? Well, one reason might be because the prophecies contained therein are coming true with 100% accuracy 100% of the time – and they tell everyone in America what soon awaits – and the Oklahoma tragedy was nothing compared to what is actually coming upon the American people.

And in the case of our government leaders, who have grown fat and corrupt by stealing our money and feeding themselves, well, the same goes for them as well.

And the sad thing is, the general public is included as well. What is coming upon America will be so severe and so evil and across the board that the world, according to prophecy, will be stunned into total silence. The leaders of America plotted great evil against their own people. They conspired to sell out the American people into a hideous and evil New World Order. They conspired to murder in cold blood millions of Americans who they knew would not go along with it. They secretly built huge FEMA camps and denied all of it.

And major media, you know, those that make and love lies, well, they are included as well because they are complicit. And the rich men of the Earth, well, no matter where they go, under the sea, to the moon, to Mars, into their underground caves, well, no matter, the Lord will go get them. As the Bible says, these idiots we call “leaders” did not consider their latter end. They did not think anyone was watching them in their backrooms as they conspired to do one thing and told the people the opposite, with lie after lie after lie. But there was someone watching them. I know, because I was taken to Washington in a vision and saw it with my own eyes. And I saw these leaders whose tables are filled with vomit strut about, thinking they had it made. “No one sees us”.

Then the Creator spoke to me and He told me “IT IS OVER. IT IS DONE. NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO THEY WILL NOT ESCAPE”. In other words, America, way back then, had already crossed the line and was weighed in the balance and found wanting. It was just like the handwriting on the wall in ancient Babylon, only now it was Babylon’s daughter, called Babylon the Great. It is over. It is done. “We would have healed Babylon but she would not be healed.”

So since that time, I have watched all of this come to pass, exactly as written. I am watching American die from the filth and rot within, not only the leaders, but the people as well. They have all lost their moral compass, their ethics, and as Bob Dylan said “they have no direction home”. American cannot repent because it does not know the meaning of the word. The leaders of Babylon are basically insane, and cannot even fathom what they care doing, or that it is wrong. Indeed, they have no direction home.

The American Christian cannot repent either, for they do not have the slightest idea of what true Biblical repentance actually is. Satan infiltrated the Church, destroyed true salvation, and substituted a fake salvation. How can you repent when you don’t really know what it means? I hear, “I repent, I will get right with God.” Really? Are you aware that true Biblical repentance has nothing to do with worldly repentance or worldly sorrow, of things done here in this life, like repenting from theft, adultery or other worldly things we all too often get into? Not that you should not repent of this type of stuff, for the Lord commanded that we be holy. But true Biblical repentance can only be wrought by God Himself upon the obedient believers who do as commanded, who walk the narrow way unto death and judgment, and it involves a LOVE CHANGE, not a behavior change!! All of that is now totally denied by modern Christian theology, which by the way, is a pack of lies.

So there you have it – there is no repentance coming, only destruction and eternal ruin. Not my opinion either, for it is right there in that worthless book today called the Holy Bible. You might want to study it one day, and open your heart to what it really says, not what you think it says. Instead of trying to impress everyone with your so-called “knowledge” you might rather go to the cross of Christ IN TRUTH, and find out what all of it really means, for the Holy Ghost will most assuredly tell you if you really want to know. And remember this: NEVER ASK FOR THE TRUTH UNLESS YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW.



  1. I am in the middle of the book poor lost christians and it is so very interesting how the words have been laid. One phrase that will forever be impressed in my mind is nothing is more important than saving your soul. I pray that everyone comes to that knowledge before its too late. I know that I have been lazy and need to study to show myself approved. Thank you for this piece of information. Very eye opening for me but I don’t know about the rest of America


  2. This si the only thing that matters in this miserable life and people esp. POOR LOST CHRISTIANS’ just cannot hear it


    The American Christian cannot repent either, for they do not have the slightest idea of what true Biblical repentance actually is. Satan infiltrated the Church, destroyed true salvation, and substituted a fake salvation. How can you repent when you don’t really know what it means? I hear, “I repent, I will get right with God.” Really? Are you aware that true Biblical repentance has nothing to do with worldly repentance or worldly sorrow, of things done here in this life, like repenting from theft, adultery or other worldly things we all too often get into? Not that you should not repent of this type of stuff, for the Lord commanded that we be holy. But true Biblical repentance can only be wrought by God Himself upon the obedient believers who do as commanded, who walk the narrow way unto death and judgment, and it involves a LOVE CHANGE, not a behavior change!! All of that is now totally denied by modern Christian theology, which by the way, is a pack of lies.


    • You need to explain yourself when you link in myself with David Koresh and Jim Jones. Are you calling me a mass murderer? If you tie me to them, you are and that tells me either you must consider me as some “cult” leader of some type or you are just another hater of the truth of the Bible and simply cannot tolerate it and must therefore condemn the messenger.
      You can condemn me all you want, I am use to such tirades of idiocy but I would advise you not to condemn the truths of Scripture, for in doing so, you condemn yourself – as you have judged so shall you be judged, or something like that, I suppose. Stewart


    • Just another troll. You know they said Jesus had a devil as well. That means you are being used by Satan and don’t realize it. Blinded by the god of this world. If you read Stews articles? Take them to heart.


  3. Amen to that Stewart. Everyday there is something new that comes to light about the evil that the leaders think they are hiding. All is soon to hit everyone right in the face. They did not want to believe that our leaders, and others around the world would do such things to the sheep, but the slaughter is about to begin. The sad thing is that the evil doers, will delight and laugh, but our savior, Jesus Christ will have them in his own time.


  4. Thankyou Stewart for putting together, and expressing so well, the truth of where we are at, and what it all means, along with the truth about the remedy.

    I also appreciate the comments above which all witness to me and I very much relate to Judith’s position.

    Mike’s comments regarding the newer versions of the scriptures impacting on the great delusion in Christianity is very real. This has been a very successful ploy of the Adversary. However even the KJV has inaccuracies due to King James’ wanting to protect his position. As we know from Scripture, antimessiahs were already on the scene in the times of the apostles and by the time of Constantine who wanted peace under a universal religion, a mixture occurred with the New Testament at the Council of Nicaea, documentation of which can be found in the Catholic Encyclopoedia. I have read that the Sinai Bible based on the donkey skin parchments which Dr Tischendorf found in the C19th ,is the most accurate with less evidence of tampering. For the Tanakh/ Old Testament the word for word translation from the Hebrew would be the best and I wish I had learned when I was younger!!!



    • Pamela, any apparent inaccuracies one might find in the KJV quickly become manifest when brought into the light of Christ. At first glance a few verses may appear to be inaccurate, but upon deeper study (and taken in their proper context) we discover that there are no inaccuracies whatsoever. Peter noted that some of Paul’s epistles were ‘hard to understand’ and that those who were unlearned and unstable would wrest his words (as well as other scriptures) to their own destruction. There’s no question that today MANY do wrest his words to their own destruction.

      “As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.” 2Pe 3:16

      You mentioned that King James altered the KJV to ‘protect his position’. Could you offer the readers (and me) those specific scripture verses you’re referring to that King James altered to ‘protect his position’? I’d personally appreciate seeing those verses you’re referring to.

      In a way you appear to suggest that no one can believe ANY translation these days other than the Sinai Bible. I disagree. I cannot fathom that a Powerful Almighty and Omnipotent God would be found incapable of getting His Word out to mankind accurately from the times of Constantine until the 19th century. Does that mean then that no one during that time period of more than 1500 years had the correct wording of the scriptures until Dr. Tischendorf found these so-called ‘donkey skin parchments’? Isn’t that suggesting that ‘man’ is somehow able to prevent God’s Word? The Lord appears to suggest otherwise.

      “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Mt 24:35
      “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Ps 12:6

      My message was simple. During the past 40 years over 50 newer versions of the scriptures had been published (and those versions have perverted the original meanings of many Greek and Hebrew words). By doing so this has caused much confusion in all of Christendom. The freemasons believe that ‘there is no knowable truth.’ As believers we do not want to imply that Masonic lie to anybody, for there most certainly is a knowable truth, and it’s not found solely written on some 19th century donkey parchments. Your message could carry a similar spiritual consequence to believers as what Paul described in 2Tim 2:18. Don’t be deceived…

      I’ll look forward to seeing the verses you said King James altered. Thanks much.


  5. Stewart, another excellent article…and spot on with everything you’ve written. The more I read and study the Word (separate from what modern day Christendom teaches) the more I discover how much I still don’t know. Having been taught for years by many false prophets and false teachers…and in addition studying from a few of the ‘newer’ versions some refer to as the Bible (like the NKJV and the NIV), I’ve found going back to the KJV for over ten years now both rewarding and disturbing. Rewarding, in that I now have His Word which IS quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword… and disturbing, in seeing that I use to study from two perverted versions that barely offered me a dull beat up butter knife as a sword! It did NOTHING whatsoever to protect me against becoming a prey to false doctrine and false teachers. And the majority of Christendom today is using these newer (per) versions under the guise that they’re somehow ‘better’ translations…but they are definitely not!!! I then came to realize that all Satan needed to do to win his battle against the brethren was to CHANGE THE LORD’S WORDS and by doing so that would change the meaning of many of the things that the Lord was telling His people.

    I’m grateful that the Lord showed me this a number of years ago, and I pray that anyone reading this will question…Why is it that in that last 40 years we’ve seen over 50 ‘newer’ versions of the Word…and before 1970 there were maybe only 4? Have those newer versions helped Christendom? Not a single bit! Instead there’s more confusion now than ever before regarding the Word of God. How can the brethren possibly even imagine that they’re in ‘ONE accord’ and of ‘ONE mind’ if the pastor is quoting from the RSV and the brethren are reading from one of over four dozen other versions…which in most cases have verses that aren’t even saying the same thing and brings a different meaning to each person reading. Haven’t people come to realize yet that it was the DEVIL who was behind the introduction of all these newer (per) versions of God’s Word?

    Thanks again Stewart and keep up the great work!


  6. Thank you, thank you Stewart….I’m beside myself watching this…I’m on my own….my family doesn’t get it, the people I work with are brain dead….society in general is totally dead….even the “christian” believers don’t get it….I’m wondering if maybe at this juncture there’s something wrong with me….my days are spent with social noise and my nights alone…I’m ok with that….the alternative is beating my head against the wall…I realize the only real friend I have now is Jesus…..I’ve got to be faithful as I’m able until the end. Thank you for your truthfulness…some of us (few) embrace that still….jr


    • Judith, I hear you and all you’re going through! Only His true sheep would understand the words you wrote. However the goats will never understand. My soul mourns upon seeing the utter blindness of this people (and as you stated, even ‘Christians’). Many ‘Christians’ continue to go forth prophesying lie upon lie, damnable heresies, doctrines of devils, and cleverly devised fables (thus fulfilling Mt 24:5, Mt 24:11, and Mk 13:6).

      However, take comfort in that the Lord knew and warned us that all these things would happen during this time. What we’re watching is the leaven nearly being all leavened (Mt 13:33). The Lord expected grapes (fruit) from His vine but instead He’s going to find WILD grapes (Is 5:2-4). The mustard seed has become a tree (which a mustard seed does NOT do) and under those branches thereof will rest the fowls of the air (devils). Anyone who has ever studied a mustard PLANT knows that fowls do not lodge or rest in or under its branches, nor will it ever produce great branches. However a mustard TREE does, which is not something that is conceived from a mustard seed. Here we see the false prophets once again prophesying lies to the flock. The reason being is that just about all of these pastor ‘hirelings’ have been taught by MAN and not by the Holy Ghost. They’ve been taught by ‘teachers’ (Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and so-called ‘Christian’ Schools) which teach them nothing but FABLES. These are the same ‘teachers’ that are spoken of in 2Tim 4:3-4. They are ALL destitute of the truth (1Tim 6:5), they have NOT the Spirit of God (Jude 1:19), and have turned God’s people from the truth. Jeremiah told us who they were who would lead God’s people astray in this time period. It is the SHEPHERDS!

      My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace. Jer 50:6

      Below are some verses which I hope will shed some light as to why so few desire to hear the words of the Lord any more (or any truth for that matter). Ezekiel calls them MOST REBELLIOUS. When Timothy said that ‘perilous times’ would come…wow, he wasn’t kidding, was he?! (2Tim 3:1). The fact is…those times are here and now. Both Ezekiel 2 and Isaiah 30 go into more detail about this time period. They’re well worth studying. And be sure to keep the faith! And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Gal 6:9 So don’t faint!

      But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 2Co 4:3-4

      That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us. Isa 30:9-11

      And thou shalt speak my words unto them, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear: for they are most rebellious. But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee. Eze 2:7-8


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